Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Closer to the edge

This is war

Read and enjoy Echelons!

Hello there!
Now I have finally taken time to fix a blog that I have chosen to call "For Echelons". The idea of ​​the blog is that you can benefit from the pictures I edits and make collages of to which you in turn can use as the Facebook timeline covers, etc. I will also upload wallpapers and of course it will be March-realated. I hope you will like what I do! I've added the "reaction" buttons below each post where you can either click "like" or "dislike". So please click there and show what you think!

I'm from Sweden and hates english, which means that I am not so good in it even though I studied it in lots of years. So there may be lots of different errors in the English language when I write, but I hope there will be no problems to understanding me. Otherwise it is just to ask what I mean. I'll also try to stick as brief as possible when i write.

Before I will log off and run away, I'll give you two timeline covers. One from Closer to the edge and one from This Is War. What you do to save it, is that you click on the image, then it will come up in the original size, then you can rightclick and save. It's that simple. I hope it won't be any problems with it, otherwise you'll have to tell me and I'll try to fix it somehow as soon as I can.

I also wish that you respect that I printed my name on the picture and let it remain even when you use the picture. I trust you, you are a Echelon and that won't be any problem, right?


Echelon Angelica Nordin